Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My writing

This is my amazing story of me planning it and them me drafting it 

Box methord

Michaels bestfriend sharky

Michaels flippers started zig zagging side to side When  Michael. was chasing his pet mango taniwha. through the splashing water  when I was trying to chase my pet mango taniwha I felt the smooth sand the sand started to. make a colossal spiral  the tornado started swirling and swirling like a milkshake being mixed.

The sand pushed me back and I fell onto a hard wooden.rock blood started gushing out,I passed out my mango taniwha tried to wake me up he started to wale I heard him wale. every second he tried to comfort me until my body started to turn purple he cried for ages.

My mango taniwha stopped waling my body stopped turning purple. I said to my pet mango taniwha ‘’thank you I don’t know how to repay you for anything’’ .since he was my pet I decided to name him my hero because he is a hero for saving me we set of to go back home and settle in for the night.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

captains farewells

For thousand odd years we had been searching in the inttatick ocean for many odd years then we` finally found the big nose statue.More than a decade we searched and  searched until the golden good condition statue hit us with the bright light we shined our bright night lights then we all. Cheered we cheered and cheered until excitement warout of us we had been searching each day and night when the golden light shined out of the sea we new we we're close we had been waiting for the. Moment in time we had a little conversation saying ‘’should we try bring the statue back we might be billionaires’’ one of the other guys said ‘’what happens if its curised’’ then the .Captain said ‘’hurry up and help me to bring this backup to the servers’’ all the other guys didn’t want to pitch in and help they thought of someone watching them sleep at night,or.Someone following them all over town the captain tugged and pulled until he realized it  didn’t move a inch he said to himself I think this curise is really all the guys swarm up the the white. Humagerous boat they left the captain there for 24 hours to teach him a lesson they ate their food because they were starving we they finally arrived back to the ocean the captain had a pile of money in his hand we the boat hit the bank the three guys jumped out of the boat and said ‘’can we have some please’’ the captain said no I found this myself the three disappointed guys said oh well you can stay here’’ they drifted off slowly with sad faces looking at the captain the captain said farewell.